Biblical Foundation of Christian Education
Foundation of Christian Education
It goes without saying that Christian
education must be founded on Biblical principles if it is to be genuinely
Christian. In the first place, it is how Christians through their study of the
Bible get to know God and understand His plan for their lives. Second, it is
how Christianity is passed on from one generation to the next.
Adam, of course, learned from God
directly. God told Adam who and what he was, what his powers were, and what his
potential was as a creator, since God made him in His own image. God’s artistry
in nature is beyond description: the peacock’s tail, the beaks and plumes of
exotic birds, the faces and eyes of kittens and cats, the trees, the leaves,
the flowers. The complex variety of design in nature is so astounding that the
more we learn of its complexity, the more we learn of God’s creative hand and
great supernatural power.
The Mission of Sinless Adam
Indeed, all that God created was to become the subject of this newly created, inquisitive creature called Adam. He had to take dominion over God’s creation, to care for it, to learn from it. God was quite specific:
Indeed, all that God created was to become the subject of this newly created, inquisitive creature called Adam. He had to take dominion over God’s creation, to care for it, to learn from it. God was quite specific:
Be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth, and subdue it. And have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every
living thing that moveth upon the earth. (Gen. 1:28)
What a gift, what a responsibility!
Man was to be an effective steward of the living world and its resources. He
was to administer them as efficiently as possible. To do this he also had to be
a scientist, an objective observer of nature. We read in Genesis 2:19:
And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and
every fowl of the air and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call
them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name
To fulfill the mission God assigned
him, Adam had to become a lexicographer, an inventor of names, an arranger of
knowledge. These are occupations all Christians must be fit to exercise if they
are to live up to the expectations of their maker.
It is no accident that Christian
civilization invented the scientific method, built innovative technology on the
basis of scientific principles, and provided the economic and philosophical
understanding that has made it possible for Christians to achieve the highest
standard of living in all of human history.
Effective Christian Education
All of this rests on a clear understanding that human progress based on knowledge and love of God permitted man to make things better and better. Hand in hand with knowledge of God was knowledge of the world God created. That is the key to effective Christian education.
All of this rests on a clear understanding that human progress based on knowledge and love of God permitted man to make things better and better. Hand in hand with knowledge of God was knowledge of the world God created. That is the key to effective Christian education.
God left nothing to chance when it
came to the education of children. He wrote very specifically in Deuteronomy 6:6-9:
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all
thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words which I command thee this day
shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy
children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when
thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And
thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets
between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and
on thy gates.
These are very specific commandments
that, when obeyed, are the surest ways to transfer the knowledge and love of
God from one generation to the next. People are often curious as to how the
Jews have managed to survive as Jews away from the Holy Land, living in so many
different countries for so many centuries. The answer is very simple: obedience
to the commandments in Deuteronomy.
Here in America, it was Rev. R. J.
Rushdoony who constantly reminded Christian parents that if they continued to
put their children in secular, anti-Christian public schools, their children’s
religion would be undermined and destroyed. He wrote in The Philosophy of
the Christian Curriculum:
The centrality of Biblical instruction is basic to the liberal arts of
Christian education. But the rest of the curriculum must be revised in terms of
Christian liberty, the arts of Christian freedom and dominion under God.
Rushdoony emphasized the need for
Christians to understand the nature of law. For the Christian, “law is not
under the state or a product of the state but an expression of God’s holiness
and order.” Therefore, “the Christian school should also require a course in the
nature and meaning of law.”
In his book, Rushdoony advocated a
radical reform of so-called Christian education so that it conformed to
Biblical principles, whether the subject be history, economics, or science. He
The sound curriculum will be the relevant curriculum, and relevancy
requires two factors, a world of absolutes, and a world of change. It is not
enough to hold to God’s absolutes: they must be continually and freshly related
to the changing times…. [T]he purpose of Christian education is not academic:
it is religious and practical. Man’s purpose is to build the Kingdom of God….
[A] Christian liberal arts curriculum should enable the student to exercise
dominion over the world…. [He] must be schooled to see every legitimate area as
an area of necessary dominion. He must be taught that the people of God must
assert the crown rights of King Jesus over every area of life. There can be no
compromise nor any diminution of this goal.
All of this puts Christian education
in direct confrontation with the secular education of the public schools in
which God is kept out.
The public schools are not neutral when it
comes to religion, Biblical or otherwise.
They clearly follow the guidelines of the
Humanist religion, which are spelled out in the two Humanist Manifestos.1
He also recognized that we were at
war unto death with the humanist enemy, and that Christians who put their
children in humanist schools were aiding and abetting the enemy.
Education is at the heart of
America’s future. Christians could easily shape that future if they were
willing to put their children in good Christian schools. But are they? That’s a
question that must be placed high on the Christian agenda.
A well explained Blog with very interesting information on Biblical Foundation of christian education. If parents are prepared to enroll their kids in reputable Christian schools, Christians are able to affect that future. Thanks for sharing this informative blog. If you are looking for the Christian Education in Winnipeg then give priority to Springs Christian Academy.