Christian Education and Social Change

Christian Education and Social change

Vimala Paulus has defined Christian education as a process of education that harmonizes all round development of the individual stressing the means of helping persons grow in the pattern of Jesus Christ. 

Thus Vimala defines Christian education as the effort taken to help people get a knowledge and understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ, so as to enable them to make a commitment to him and grow and develop in Christian faith, and to witness to the power and guidance of Jesus in their lives. In this sense transformation of an individual into the likeness of Christ (Col 1:28) is the goal of Christian education; and this distinguishes from other kinds of education. This definition is to be understood in a narrower sense and an exclusive education of Christian faith.

Christian education in a broader sense is a shift toward a more holistic and comprehensive approach in which education for social transformation is strongly advocated. It is to say that Christian education is to be understood inclusively as well as it is also understood exclusively in narrower sense. According to Paulo Fiere education is to be understood as an agent of social, political and economic change in the society. And Thomas Groome following Friere’s thoughts understood Christian education as a political activity for people. According to him Christian education is to educate people “for the kingdom of God, for the Christian faith and for the human freedom.  In one of the definitions of Christian education given by Robert W. Pazmino, “Education is the divinely instigated and humanly cooperative process whereby persons grow and develop in life, that is in godly knowledge, faith, hope, and love through Christ.  He also gave another definition that Christian education as “… it fosters the change, renewal, and reformation of persons, groups, and structures by the power of the Holy Spirit to conform to the revealed will of God as expressed in the Scriptures and preeminently in the person of Jesus Christ, as well as any outcomes of that efforts” to share the knowledge, values, attitudes, skills, sensitivities, and behaviors that comprise with the
Christian faith.

As we have discussed earlier, Social change is the “changes in the social structure and functions of the various units which forms society.” It includes those changes that occur in the family, institutions and other related social spheres. However, there are some educators who advocated that, social change also includes changes in “culture system, beliefs, ideals, traditions and practices.
Changes in the society come as an impact of education. Education helps a person find a place in the society where there is suitability and comfort. John Dewey asserted that “education is a process of social reconstruction which makes for increased social efficiency… the development of all such capacities in individual which enables them to construct their environment and realize their potential.” This change may be gradual or sudden, evolutionary or revolutionary, and constructive or destructive.

Thus education and social change are closely related to one another. One determines the other in the process. We may just mention three facts that determine the relation between education and social change:
(a)    Education brings social change
(b)    Education a tool for social change
(c)    Education due to social change

Likewise, Christian education needs to be understood as a means to bring transformation in all aspects of community life. Samson Prabhakar an Indian educator has mentioned three propositions:
(a)Christian education is an activity of faith-education for transformation,
(b)Christian education is an activity of empowerment of people.
©Christian education is an activity of mutual-critical-enrichment.

In sum we can say that education and social change relate with another as education is an agent of social change and on the other hand brings change in the society brings education viceversa.


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